Monday , September 16 2024

The temp array contains air temperature data measured over a period of time. We want to display the minimal temperature, and to do so we write the following code: temp.forEach(e => min = min > e ? e : min); console.log(min); In the code, we use the variable sum, which should be previously declared as follows:

Questions BankCategory: JavaScript Essentials 1The temp array contains air temperature data measured over a period of time. We want to display the minimal temperature, and to do so we write the following code: temp.forEach(e => min = min > e ? e : min); console.log(min); In the code, we use the variable sum, which should be previously declared as follows:
The temp array contains air temperature data measured over a period of time. We want to display the minimal temperature, and to do so we write the following code:

temp.forEach(e => min = min > e ? e : min);

In the code, we use the variable sum, which should be previously declared as follows:

  • let min = temp[0];
  • It’s not necessary, as it will be declared automatically on first use.
  • let min = 0;
  • let min;

More Questions: JavaScript Essentials 1 – JSE1: Final Test