1. Which one of the following lines properly starts a parameterless function definition?
- def fun():
- function fun():
- def fun:
- fun function():
2. A function defined in the following way: (Select two answers)
def function(x=0): return x
- may be invoked with exactly one argument
- must be invoked without any argument
- may be invoked without any argument
- must be invoked with exactly one argument
3. A built-in function is a function which:
- has to be imported before use
- has been placed within your code by another programmer
- comes with Python, and is an integral part of Python
- is hidden from programmers
4. The fact that tuples belong to sequence types means that:
- they can be indexed and sliced like lists
- they can be extended using the .append() method
- they can be modified using the del instruction
- they are actually lists
5. What is the output of the following snippet?
def f(x): if x == 0: return 0 return x + f(x - 1) print(f(3))
- 1
- the code is erroneous
- 3
- 6
- the f function is invoked with an integer argument of 3,
- the function begins its execution with an integer value of 3 for the x variable.
- the if conditional compares 3 == 0, and since it is false, it is not executed,
- the function reaches the return statement, and an integer value of 3 is held in the memory, plus a recursive invocation of the f function with an integer argument of 2,
- the if conditional compares 2 == 0, and since it is false, it is not executed,
- the function reaches the return statement, and an integer value of 2 is held in the memory ,plus a recursive invocation of the f function with an integer argument of 1,
- the if conditional compares 1 == 0, and since it is false, it is not executed,
- the function reaches the return statement, and an integer value of 1 is held in the memory, plus a recursive invocation of the f function with an integer argument of 0,
- the if conditional compares 0 == 0, and since it is true, the return statement 0 is executed and the recursive invocation is broken,
- Each recursive invocation returns its value and the addition is printed on the console, which is 6.
6. What is the output of the following snippet?
def fun(x): x += 1 return x x = 2 x = fun(x + 1) print(x)
- the code is erroneous
- 4
- 5
- 3
- the x variable is assigned an integer value of 2,
- the fun function is invoked with an argument of (2+1), and the result will be assigned to the x variable,
- the execution of the fun function begins, which receives 3, and then increments it by 1, and returns 4,
- the x variable receives the integer value of 4,
- the variable x is printed on the console.
7. What code would you insert instead of the comment to obtain the expected output?
Expected output:
dictionary = {} my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] for i in range(len(my_list) - 1): dictionary[my_list[i]] = (my_list[i], ) for i in sorted(dictionary.keys()): k = dictionary[i] # Insert your code here.
- print(k[‘0’])
- print(k[0])
- print(k[“0”])
- print(k)
- an empty dictionary is created,
- a list named my_list with the elements [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’] is created,
- a for loop in the range of the list length minus one (0 to 3) is initialized, and the values that the i variable iterates are a,b,c,d,
- for each iteration, a key-pair value will be inserted in the dictionary. The key is a String, and the value is a tuple with one element,
- the resulting dictionary is: {‘a’: (‘a’,), ‘b’: (‘b’,), ‘c’: (‘c’,)}
- another for loop is initialized, and the i variable iterates the sorted dictionary keys,
- the k variable stores the value for each key,
- since it is a tuple, it is necessary to select the print(k[0]) option in order to print the first and only element.
8. The following snippet:
def func(a, b): return a ** a print(func(2))
- will return None
- will output 4
- will output 2
- is erroneous
9. The following snippet:
def func_1(a): return a ** a def func_2(a): return func_1(a) * func_1(a) print(func_2(2))
- is erroneous
- will output 2
- will output 16
- will output 4
- the func_2 function is invoked with the integer 2 as its argument,
- the func_2 function returns the product of func_1(2) * func_1(2)
- the func_1 function is invoked twice with an integer argument of 2,
- the func_1 function returns 2*2, which is 4,
- the func_2 function returns the product of 4 * 4, which is 16,
- the result is printed on the console.
10. Which of the following lines properly starts a function using two parameters, both with zeroed default values?
- fun fun(a, b=0):
- def fun(a=b=0):
- fun fun(a=0, b):
- def fun(a=0, b=0):
11. Which of the following statements are true? (Select two answers)
- The None value can be assigned to variables
- The None value cannot be used outside functions
- The None value can be compared with variables
- The None value can be used as an argument of arithmetic operators
12. What is the output of the following snippet?
def fun(x): if x % 2 == 0: return 1 else: return print(fun(fun(2)) + 1)
- 2
- the code will cause a runtime error
- None
- 1
- the inner parentheses in the print function are executed first,
- the fun function is invoked with the integer 2 as an argument,
- the if conditional 2 % 2 == 0 returns True, so the fun function returns 1,
- the fun function is invoked with the integer 1 as its argument,
- the if conditional 1 % 2 == 0 returns False, so the fun function returns None,
- The arithmetic operation None + 1 is attempted,
- A runtime error is generated: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘NoneType’ and ‘int’.
13. What is the output of the following snippet?
def fun(x): global y y = x * x return y fun(2) print(y)
- None
- 2
- 4
- the code will cause a runtime error
- the fun function is invoked with the integer 2 as its argument,
- the fun function makes the y variable a global variable, which can be used both inside and outside of the function,
- the operation y = 2 * 2 is performed, and the answer is the integer 4,
- the function returns the y variable value,
- the print(y) instruction prints the integer 4 on the console.
14. What is the output of the following snippet?
def any(): print(var + 1, end='') var = 1 any() print(var)
- 12
- 11
- 21
- 22
- the var variable is assigned the integer 1 as its value,
- the any& function is invoked, and it executes the arithmetic operation 1+1 and prints the result 2 on the console. The instruction end=” prevents a newline jump,
- the instruction print(var) prints 1 on the console.
15. Assuming that my_tuple is a correctly created tuple, the fact that tuples are immutable means that the following instruction:
my_tuple[1] = my_tuple[1] + my_tuple[0]
- can be executed if and only if the tuple contains at least two elements
- is fully correct
- may be illegal if the tuple contains strings
- is illegal
16. What is the output of the following snippet?
my_list = ['Mary', 'had', 'a', 'little', 'lamb'] def my_list(my_list): del my_list[3] my_list[3] = 'ram' print(my_list(my_list))
- [‘Mary’, ‘had’, ‘a’, ‘ram’]
- no output, the snippet is erroneous
- [‘Mary’, ‘had’, ‘a’, ‘lamb’]
- [‘Mary’, ‘had’, ‘a’, ‘little’, ‘lamb’]
- a list named my_list is created,
- a function named my_list is created,
- the print function tries to invoke the my_list function using the list my_list as an argument. However, the list my_list no longer exists because the function has the same name, and the function replaces the list,
- the code will end in a runtime error because the function does not support item deletion.
17. What is the output of the following snippet?
def fun(x, y, z): return x + 2 * y + 3 * z print(fun(0, z=1, y=3))
- 0
- 3
- the snippet is erroneous
- 9
- the fun function is invoked, and the arguments take these values: x = 0, y = 3, z = 1. Remember that positional arguments should be placed before keyword arguments,
- the fun function returns the result of the following arithmetic operation: 0 + 2 * 3 + 3 * 1,
- the products are carried out first: 0 + 6 + 3,
- the addition is performed, and the result is 9,
- the print function shows 9 in the console.
18. What is the output of the following snippet?
def fun(inp=2, out=3): return inp * out print(fun(out=2))
- 6
- 4
- the snippet is erroneous
- 2
- the fun function is invoked, and the argument used is out = 2, which replaces the predefined value of out = 3,
- the fun function takes the predefined value of inp = 2, since it is not defined in the invocation of the function,
- the fun function performs the operation 2*2 and returns it,
- the print function shows 4 on the console.
19. What is the output of the following code?
dictionary = {'one': 'two', 'three': 'one', 'two': 'three'} v = dictionary['one'] for k in range(len(dictionary)): v = dictionary[v] print(v)
- one
- three
- two
- (‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’)
- the following dictionary is defined: dictionary = {‘one’: ‘two’, ‘three’: ‘one’, ‘two’: ‘three’}
- the v variable stores the value for key ‘one’, which is ‘two’,
- a for loop is initialized in the range of the dictionary’s length. It will iterate 3 times,
- in the first iteration, the v variable will store the value for key ‘two’, which is ‘three’,
- in the second iteration, the v variable will store the value for key ‘three’, which is ‘one’,
- in the third iteration, the v variable will store the value for key ‘one’, which is ‘two’,
- the for loop is exited and the print function shows ‘two’ on the console.
20. What is the output of the following code?
tup = (1, 2, 4, 8) tup = tup[1:-1] tup = tup[0] print(tup)
- (2)
- (2, )
- 2
- the snippet is erroneous
- a tuple named tup with the following elements is defined: (1, 2, 4, 8)
- the tuple tupis replaced with a shorter version of itself. The indices are [1:-1], which means it will start at position 1 to the second-last element of the tuple. The new tuple is (2, 4)
- the tuple tup is again replaced with its first element only: tup[0], and the result is no longer a tuple,
- the print function shows 2 on the console.
21. Select the true statements about the try-except block in relation to the following example. (Select two answers.)
try: # Some code is here... except: # Some code is here...
- If you suspect that a snippet may raise an exception, you should place it in the try block.
- The code that follows the try statement will be executed if the code in the except clause runs into an error.
- The code that follows the except statement will be executed if the code in the try clause runs into an error.
- If there is a syntax error in code located in the try block, the except branch will not handle it, and a SyntaxError exception will be raised instead.
22. What is the output of the following code?
try: value = input("Enter a value: ") print(value/value) except ValueError: print("Bad input...") except ZeroDivisionError: print("Very bad input...") except TypeError: print("Very very bad input...") except: print("Booo!")
- Very bad input…
- Very very bad input…
- Booo!
- Bad input…
- the value variable will store whatever the user inputs as a string,
- the print function will try to divide the value by itself,
- since strings cannot be divided, a TypeError exception is raised,
- the exception TypeError will be compared sequentially with the defined exceptions,
- when it reaches except TypeError, the print function will show Very very bad input… on the console.